At night we left Lisbon for Sevilla by bus. It was 8 hours. After our 18 hours trip for Lua and me it was nothing :) Me and Athina sit together. Everything was great until the worst smell in my life. I couldn't breath and near to vomit. Athina had flue and normally she couldn't breath, but she could smell this worst fart:)) All bus was smelling and Lua got angry me because I was rude about this :) But believe me my reaction was normal, the problem was the smell. Anyway the smell was coming from one guy in front of us and he started to look at me so bad. But what could I do, I was near to vomit. When we left bus, I was afraid of the guy. However, he didn't hit me :))

We arrived Sevilla at 6 in the morning. We found our hostel, it seems nice. One guy opened the door and he told the rooms are full and we should wait until 12 to enter the room :) Ups we were so tired. Lua and Vane slept on the sofa. When we entered the rooms, we took shower and be normal people again. Lua and we saw Sevilla before. I came Sevilla before with Aubry, he showed me everywhere. Lua and me decided to go Cadiz, Athina and Vane decided to see the city :)
Lua and me took train and went Cadiz. Really nice place, we swam in perfect sea at the end. We saw the city, I bought very nice red shoes :) I love them so much! We took the train to come back and meet with girls.
At night we met with one guy and went one pub. He informed us about Sevilla, restaurants, pubs ex. After he left us, we went one very nice tapas restaurant. Athina and me ate everything :)) We walked around, drank beer. It was the only night we had in Sevilla :(
The next day, we did one fast tour for Sevilla. We saw many place in 2 hours and tried to keep the memories. After this fast tour, we made shopping, ate some tapas and drank beer. At the end left pretty Sevilla and tried to catch the plane.
Lua and me were so happy when we entered the check in :)) We were 4 and we had the tickets :)) Athina was so nervous and she was searching the plane. Athina forgot to give the papers to the woman and they laughed so much because she was funny nervous :))
We were in the plane, 4 and happy :)